Lane Olson

IMG_5925_LaneLane was born and raised in Spanish Fork, Utah. Like Brittany, he is also one of four kids and loves his family.

Lane served a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Boston, Massachusetts. Lane was ecstatic to serve in Boston since he’s been a diehard Boston Red Sox fan since he was a kid.

He graduated from Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah in April 2009. He received a Bachelor of Science Degree where he majored in Sociology and minored in Communications.

As a student, Lane was part of the prestigious performing arts group, The Young Ambassadors, from 2005 – 2008. During that time, Lane had the opportunity to travel around the world, including China, Korea, Australia, and all over the United States.

After he graduated from BYU, Lane decided to stay with the university and worked as the Director of Video and Technology for the BYU Football Team. During his time with the football program, Lane received the Ultimate SAVVY Award in 2012 for Achievement in Highlight Editing. It is a national award given by the CSVA, Collegiate Sports Video Association.

Following a six-year career with BYU Football, Lane decided to pursue marketing and in 2014, took a job with Corporate Alliance. Lane is currently the Director of Marketing for the company and loves his work! 

In his spare time, Lane enjoys playing his guitar, making videos, designing websites, spending time with his family, being in the outdoors, and of course, FaceTiming with his Future Wife, Brittany Glas.